Friday, April 20, 2012

Conceptual Innovation on Communication

“How is social order possible?”

This is the fundamental question of 2nd class of the Social Systems Theory course. Each class has a “Mission Driven” learning style: Before the class, students are assigned to read a quit a lot on books related to the topic of the next class. In the beginning of the class, Prof. Iba exposes the key question to the students. Then, students have a dialogue discussing about the key questions. Finally, they come back to the fundamental question.

“What is the Double Contingency?”
“What does Luhmann suggest in order to overcome the situation of double contingency? ”
These are the first mission to the students to think.
During the dialogue session, we could hear the following thoughts from the students according to the lecture.

"Each actor cannot make decision without any shared norms or culture because it depends on the other’s decision. Therefore, as the core concept of Social Systems Theory, Luhmann emphasizes that perception of little movement of others help them to expect the other’s decision.”

Then, Prof. Iba introduces “Communication” as the synthesis of three selections: information, utterance, and understanding.

Finally, in order to share their understandings on communication Luhmann proposes, students had time for discussing his definition of “communication” and its advantages.

The students will reflect on what they learnt from the lecture and in-class dialogues, and prepare for the next class by reading assignments at home.

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